Happy Thoughts ….

Hello Stampin’ Friends,

I’m really excited to share my alternative project from the June 2015 Paper Pumpkin kit with you. I really love the way it turned out!!  I used only the items that were in the kit. There are two different styles of cards in this months kit, so I focused on one of the two …

First I wanted to show the card designer per the kit …


I have a tip for those of you who have not begun to assemble your kits yet … The white block for this style card is 3-1/2″ wide x 3-3/4″ length, be sure you assemble this way. I started with the largest block in the upper right hand corner, then worked by way around the block.

I love the way the twine is behind the flower … I’m going to have to do this more on my cards! 

Now it’s time to show you my design …



I began by cutting 2-1/2″ off the envelope liner (there’s plenty let to line the visible part of your envelope). This allows me to make my card horizontal vs. the vertical design of the original.

I then wrapped it with the twine. I love the texture it adds to the card and it really does tie the “Tip Top Taupe” color throughout the card.

I hope my card inspires you to challenge the design and have some fun creating! 

Thank you for stopping back to check out my blog.

Happy Thoughts …



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