Hoping Your Day is Perfect …

Hello Stampin’ Friends ~

Hope you’re staying warm … burrrr, it’s cold out there!! But you gotta love Wisconsin, it’s going to be 42 degrees this weekend.  Our boots are always next to our flip flops … lol.

One of the most requested types of cards is “Quick -n- Easy”.  With everyone busy as ever, many of you are looking for quick cards that are still pretty.  My advise to you is … Designer Series Paper! You can create card so easy by using the paper as your background and your greeting as the focal point.


Here I used the “Affectionately Yours Specialty Designer paper”.  This designer paper patterns consist of colorful floral designs which include some with copper foil. My greeting comes from my latest “go to” stamp set … “Suite Sentiments”. This is a basic design using my paper cutter to cut out my greeting mat.

You can easily change this up a bit by using any or our punches or fabulous array of framelits and thinlit dies to cut shapes for your greeting. Speaking of punches and dies … you could also use these to add a decorative touch to your card.I used the beautiful “Falling In Love” embellishments.


By using any of our beautiful designer papers with any of our cutting tools, you’ll be sure to have a cute card done in just minutes! And don’t forget to add that special touch by adding a punched butterfly, a die cut dragonfly or any of our wonderful embellishments, even a doily would add a nice touch.

Hope you enjoyed my quick -n- easy card and the tips to get creative with a simple design.  Have fun with it, and feel free to share! You can post it on my facebook page Linda’s Stampin’ Escape/facebook.

Thanks for sharing a piece of your day with me!

Hoping your day is perfect.

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