Christmas Snowflakes Cards …

Hello Stampin’ Friends ~

We’re another day closer to the weekend and hmmm … Christmas! It’s sneaking up fast and I have been busy creating for my Fall Holiday Stamping Retreat, so Christmas cards are second nature to me right now.

Many of us would love to send out hand-made Christmas cards but do not have a lot of time, so I’m here to help with an … oh so cute, and quick & easy card you can recreate in no time at all …

Two simple colors of cardstock; Basic White and Balmy Blue. I used the Time of Giving Stamp Set (now retired) for the snowflake swirls inside the card and to decorate my envelope.

I used the Wintry 3-D Embossing Folder on the Balmy Blue for both my cards. Then the Wonderful Snowflakes … they are iridescent so the color just dances across them.

If you’re looking for just a little more color … you can use any one of our Stampin’ Blends and color your Snowflakes … and best of all, that iridescence shines right through.

You can create these pretty snowflake cards with ease and in no time at all. It’s a card base with a contrasting piece that measures 3″ x 4-1/4″. I hope you try out this simple layout.

Thank you for visiting my blog today. A simple layout so you can create your Christmas Cards with ease … fun for the whole family!

Enjoy your day ~

TODAY’S STAMPIN’ SUPPLY LIST … If you liked the products used in today’s projects, I have links for you below. Just click on the item you would like more information on, or to begin your shopping. It will take you directly to my website. Thank you

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